# Compare and contrast to break pattern entrainment

Over our career, we will go from one team from another. Upon joining a new team, we may have the tendency to pitch to influence a change.

A change typically is a new idea, and we tend to pitch new ideas and take about the upside and downside of it. Pitching, however, as an approach is too direct and non-effective in my experience.

Here's a more Oblique approach to Influencing without authority:

It roughly looks like this:

  1. Show all the patterns that all participants know of
  2. Reflect and use Compare and contrast key questions
  3. Listen intently to what people are thinking and let people generate their own interpretation and leanings.

One important principle is to avoid Premature convergence, therefore, don't talk about pro/cons immediately when an idea is shown.

One of the examples I recall being done recently:

  1. Compare Deployment Pipeline / Trunk-based Development against Feature branches.
  2. Compare Domain specific errors against Application level errors