# 3I of Anthro-Complexity

The three I mnemonic to acknowledge why humans different to other animals (Anthro-Complexity):

  • Intelligence Unlike ants who can get stuck in a death spiral (Ant mill (opens new window)), I can think for myself and get out of the spiral if I need to.
  • Identity I can swap identities rapidly. When I write this note I'm turning into a researcher. When disrupted because I'm working from home, I instantly turn into a father or husband.
  • Intent I can do things out of purpose rather than pure instinct. When I'm hungry, I can override it and decide not to eat. Consciousness is intentionally ordered information

# References

Cynefin Basecamp Nov 2023

Anthro-complexity | cynefin wiki (opens new window)

The 3Is of Anthro-Complexity Anthro-complexity starts with homo-faber (the maker), homo-ludens (the player) and homo-narrans (the storytelling animal). At the very least, this means addressing the 3Is (opens new window):

  • Intelligence - because no matter where we stand on human cognition being embodied, embedded, enculturated and enabling, and perhaps also enacted and extended, we need to allow for reflection on experience, for abstraction (opens new window) from experience, and for all else that we associate with higher levels of cognition.
  • Intentionality - because in recognising that how humans are attracted to different opportunities for action goes beyond responding to stimuli, Anthro-Complexity foregrounds matters relating to purpose (or priorities) in ways which highlight our facility with abstraction and which introduces deliberative choice and goal setting.
  • Identity - because our awareness of the fluidity in how we “show up” in different contexts, and of the way we hold lightly or tightly to any coherence (opens new window) we perceive in how we take things as unfolding, means those of us navigating Anthro-Complexity must delve into notions of recognition, respect and dignity in ways which we commonly find difficult to convey outside of our narratives.