# Cynefin drew from multiple disciplines is to align reality and perception

We often have a conflict of what we perceive and the things that exist, the Cynefin framework attempts to let you see this through multiple disciplines:

  1. Epistemology How we know things.
  2. Ontology The nature of things.
  3. Phenomenology How we perceive things. See also Perception.

# References

Snowden, Cynefin - Weaving Sense-Making Into the Fabric of Our World (p. 59).

The accommodate the disconnect between reality (ontology: how things are), perception (epistemology: how we perceive things), and knowledge (phenomenology: how we know things) in human systems [...]

Causality | cynefin.io (opens new window)

One of the basic principles of Cynefin is a goal of maximising the alignment between what things are, how we know things and how we perceive them: ontology, epistemology, and phenomenology. The first version of Cynefin was in the field of knowledge management and had strong originating links to Boisot’s I-Space. [...]

Glossary | cynefin.io (opens new window)

Phenomenology: The philosophical study of the structures of experience and consciousness Epistemology: Branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge