# Probe-Sense-Respond
The decision model from Cynefin framework for Complex domain.
# Backlinks
- Safe-to-try probes
- Probe is the first step from Probe-Sense-Respond. The best way to understand what a probe is is to contrast it against other verbs:
- Complex system should be probed to reveal its dispositional state
- Unlike Ordered system, Complex system can't be analysed for solution. An easier way to navigate a Complex system to probe then understand its Dispositionality (Probe-Sense-Respond).
- Probation period as an example of probing
- I find probation period, in the context of hiring a new team member, to be a good example of probing (Probe-Sense-Respond / Safe-to-try probes). I like it because the words seem to share the same Latin root probare, and most people are familiar with the idea of a probation period.