# Wheeled baggage was ready before the world was ready

It's difficult for me to imagine a world without wheeled baggage, but the idea of wheeled baggage was not without resistance back then.

There were many patents that have been filed for this idea but the idea never took off. The reason it was not a good idea (See Characteristics of resistance to innovation):

  1. Men were embarrassed that they might be seen weak (back then the primary travellers were men).
  2. There were porters and trolleys
  3. Wheels will add more weight to the luggage.
  4. Wheels add more costs

After a couple of years, sale began to take off. What's changed?

The rapid expansion of air travel. Airport architecture changed to fulfil this needs, which means the walking distance travellers have to take increases.

# References

How Innovation Works (pp. 170-172).

Was wheeled baggage late? [...]