# Which cognitive model should be used?

Dichotic listening can be explained by different attention models, but which model should be used?

Given that The purpose of a model is to simplify, some models seems to be simpler to understand than other. The introduction of Attenuation model of attention for example feels very complex, but this doesn't necessarily mean that Broadbent's filter model of attention is wrong.

The similar thinking is applied for Atkison-Shiffrin Memory Model.

# References

Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology (p. 127).

With respect to current standards, this model is fairly basic, but it is a useful starting point to illustrate important principles about how different types of memory operate and interact. Indeed, this model has influenced researchers for more than 50 years and it is one of the most cited models in cognitive psychology (Baddeley, Hitch & Allen, 2019).