# Zettelkasten splits tasks to use different attention types

The process of writing consists of various different kind of activities. These activities needs their own type of attention. Researching for materials, for example, requires a different kind of attention than proofreading. Researching or connecting ideas will require us to be more playful, while proofreading or copy-editing will require us to be more analytical. We can't seem to be able to be playful and analytical at the same time (Only one type of attention can be given to one thing at one time). The switch from one attention to another is easier when you have a well-defined workflow. Zettelkasten embodies this workflow and make sure that the tasks are split to use both kind of attentions (Effective workflow should break tasks down by attention types).

# References

Ahrens, How to Take Smart Notes (pp. 62 - 63).

Proofreading, formulating and outlining are also different from the task of combining and developing thoughts. Working with the slip-box means playing with ideas and looking out for interesting connections and comparisons. It means building clusters, combining them with other clusters and preparing the order of notes for a project. Here, we need to puzzle with notes and find the best fit. It is much more associative, playful and creative than the other tasks and require a very different kind of attention as well.
In short, academic writing requires the whole spectrum of attention. To master the art of writing, we need to be able to apply whatever kind of attention and focus is needed.