# Broadbent's filter model of attention
This is the earliest Information-processing approach.
# References
Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology (p. 89).
This is where Broadbent entered the scene and proposed, based on the results of experiments studying selective attention, his filter model of attention, which we introduced in Chapter 1( Figure 1.10) (Broadbent, 1958).
# Backlinks
- Atkison-Shiffrin Memory Model
- 10 years after Broadbent's filter model of attention was introduced... The very initial model.
- Attenuation model of attention
- Because the cocktail party effect can't be explained by the Broadbent's filter model of attention, this model introduces an attenuator.
- The evolution of model to understand attention
- Dichotic listening can be explained by different attention models
- Which cognitive model should be used?
- Given that The purpose of a model is to simplify, some models seems to be simpler to understand than other. The introduction of Attenuation model of attention for example feels very complex, but this doesn't necessarily mean that Broadbent's filter model of attention is wrong.