# Meditation training improves attentional control

Similar idea to Meditation is a practice to control consciousness. This is important as Deploying attentional control reduces irrelevant information in working memory.

# References

Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology (p. 159).

Mrazek and colleagues (Mrazek, Franklin, Tarchin Phillips, Baird, & Schooler, 2013) investigated whether a two-week training course in mindfulness could reduce distracting thoughts and thereby improve working memory capacity and reading comprehension. [...] Results showed that both working memory capacity and verbal reasoning improved significantly after training in the mindfulness group [...] At the same time, the number of task-unrelated thoughts decreased in the mindfulness group. Follow-up analyses showed that the first results (improved performance on the two cognitive tasks) were mediated by the second result (decreased mind wandering). These findings confirm that the central role of attention control, both for working memory and for higher cognitive functions.