# Negative thoughts consumes working memory capacity
Given that we have Working memory limits, negative thoughts that linger in our heads also consume that capacity, which means we'll not be able to perform as efficiently as we could (Working memory is efficient when it stores relevant information)
# References
Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology (p. 158).
Something similar aside n the dual task condition might also happen when people are stressed or occupied by their (negative) thoughts. Block and Carr (2005), for example, showed that hen participants are tested under high-pressure conditions (for example, being told "you will be videotaped and need to do well to receive a cash payment"), performance decreases for difficult problems.
# Backlinks
- How might we use our limited working memory capacity more effectively?
- Writing your worries may increase working memory capacity
- Because Negative thoughts consumes working memory capacity, writing them down may free up our capacity. See reference for the study about this.