# Short-term memory
One of the type of memory from the Atkison-Shiffrin Memory Model. If you're reading information from this note, that information is temporarily being stored in your short-term memory.
# References
Goldstein, Cognitive Psychology (p. 132).
Short-term memory (STM) is the system involved in storing small amount of information for a somewhat longer but still brief period of time (Baddeley, Eysenck, & Anderson, 2009). Thus whatever you are thinking about right now, or remember from what you have just read, this information is in your short-term memory.
# Backlinks
- How long would information stays in short-term memory?
- The name Short-term memory implies that information won't live long there. But long will would information stays there?
- The name short-term memory may emphasise too much on storage
- The idea of Short-term memory which was initially introduced in the Atkison-Shiffrin Memory Model didn't manage to capture the importance of what the memory is being used for. I think researches during that time studies more about the storage aspect of this memory, such as how many info can we stored inside, how long will the info live, etc.
- Three ways information is being represented in memory
- All these type of codings are applicable to Long-term memory and Short-term memory.