# Cognitive bias

  • Mere-exposure effect
    • A Cognitive bias where we tend to develop a preference for things because we're familiar with them.
  • Confirmation bias
    • Confirmation bias is a type of Cognitive bias where there is a tendency for people to find an information to confirm their own preconception. We will search for an information that supports our own arguments, rather than the information that will challenge what we already have in our mind.
  • Inattentional blindess
  • Attentional habits
    • Attentional habits are the Psychic energy that we spend not by our own intention. Attentional habit could formed by either biological or social instructions. Cognitive bias bias is probably a good example of how our attention could be spent not consciously by our choice. Zeigarnik Effect, for example, would take our attention to unfinished tasks.
  • Anchoring effect
    • Anchoring effect is a Cognitive bias where an individual is heavily reliant on the first information that they get (the anchor), and compare the subsequent information they get with the first one. The first information that get may be an idea that the individual generates themselves, which mean the individual is anchored to their own first idea (Ahrens 134).
  • Overconfidence bias
    • Overconfidence bias is a type of Cognitive bias where people’s subjective confidence towards their judgements is greater than the objective accuracy of those judgements. This bias often make people underestimate a task, especially tasks that aren’t broken down. Interestingly, even the people who study this phenomenon admit they that fell for it too.
  • Heuristics as the positive framing for biases
    • # We have many Cognitive bias. Bias is typically associated with something negative, as in, we have a flaw in our heads. Take Inattentional blindess, for example, where we are not able to see what we are not paying attention to. This may sound like a problem to be solved, but you could frame it positively as a Heuristic, i.e. our brain is being efficient, we take only the information we're paying attention to.